Thoughts on Israel, Gaza, and 2024

I started this a couple of weeks ago with one point I wanted to make, and while I was trying to gather my thoughts and feelings into something cohesive, the situation shifted and so did my original point. I need to get this posted now, and I will see about including some additional resources later. I’ve held off too long already.

I’ve been seeing more talk these days about the approach of the “end times.” That’s not terribly surprising given the current situation in Israel and Gaza. It’s also just one of those things that always seems to be in the background and once in a while it bubbles to the surface.

Historically, people have been predicting and proclaiming the end of time for thousands of years. More recently there have been those who are actively promoting what they believe will bring about the end times. Things like the Seven Mountain Mandate are very frightening and something we should all be aware of and vigilant against, and which I may write about at more length elsewhere.

The point I wanted to bring up here is about what I am seeing right now as far as the unabashed selfishness of those willing, even eager, to bring on the “end times.” Some people come across as almost giddy or gleeful at the prospect. The disregard for the humanity of others by people who wish for end times, coupled with the loss of their own humanity, is both stunning and disheartening.

In my mind, if you don’t believe in universal human rights regardless of race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, ability, or any other category used for marginalizing others, then you support oppression and the continued privilege of the few and you are a bully. If you are willing to condemn anyone who does not believe as you believe to death and eternal suffering, that is a whole other level of cruelty.

I have more I want to say on this topic, but I’ll save that for another post. Right now, I want to turn my attention to another phenomenon that I have noticed and that caused me to shift the focus of this post.

Recently I have seen a number of people proclaiming that in light of recent events and statements and actions, they will not be voting for Joe Biden in the 2024 election. That is their choice and I share their disappointment and frustration, even outrage with the way things have been handled thus far. I have felt less inclined to support the ticket too. And then I remember what’s at stake. Here are some thoughts on what I have been feeling, and that I believe we all need to keep in mind and to consider as we head toward the 2024 elections.

  • Progress not perfection. People often frame this choice as a decision between the lesser of two evils; that’s one way to look at it. I prefer to think in terms of which option is likely to move us closer to the world I want, and which is likely to move us further away from that world? Which candidate do I have any hope of influencing by my speaking out and writing letters?
  • Check your privilege. How does your vote potentially impact people you care about? Withholding your vote from a candidate you are less than excited about, maybe even angry at, might help you feel better in the moment, but what are the long-term consequences of the other candidate winning? Not just for you, but for others, most especially for marginalized groups.
  • Be true to your highest self. Ask yourself, am I doing this because I believe it is the right thing to do, or am I doing it to make myself feel better? Am I being bold and taking a stand for my beliefs and my community, or am I just being selfish? Just to be clear, I am not saying that voting or not voting a particular way is selfish. What I am asking is that you examine your own motives and vote in a way that is in accordance with your own heart and mind, not because someone else has said you must vote this way, or you can’t vote that way. For myself, I don’t feel like I have the right to throw away my vote, to abdicate my responsibility, to forego my privilege just to soothe my own ego. I need to do what I believe to be the right thing even if it is uncomfortable. I owe that to those who have suffered so that I can prosper. It is the very least I can do. Many of you, especially if you are part of a marginalized group, are in a very different place than I am, and will have an entirely different calculus here. Honor what you hold most dear.
  • Work to elect Progressive candidates and advocate for change. If you are unable to vote for Joe Biden based in part on his support of Israel and all that entails, I understand and respect that decision. What I will ask, and I think we can agree on this, is to make damn sure you do everything you can to help progressives get elected to Congress and to state and local offices at every level. Additionally, I am not just “holding my nose and pulling the lever” I will be writing letters, sending emails, posting to social media, writing blogs, whatever I can to make it clear that the status quo in Washington is not okay!

We need change, but intentionally taking steps toward chaos at this point is not a winning strategy in my opinion. It may turn out that we need to burn this thing down in order to rebuild the world we want but I hope we can avoid that. I hope that we can find a different path forward to a future we can all feel good about. And, yes, I am aware that history is not really on my side here, but I’m also aware that the history we have been fed can’t necessarily be trusted.

There is a lot that has been intentionally erased or hidden, and there is much that was never deemed worthy of recording. Acts of peace rarely make the news, even though they often plant the seeds of lasting change. I must maintain hope in order to keep going. Without that it would be far too easy to just give up and live out the remaining years of my life struggling to find whatever joy I can amidst the grief and despair. That doesn’t sound very appealing to me.

I also worry that it is marginalized communities that will suffer the most if we choose the path through fire. We see that happening already with the unequal impacts of climate change, and toxic waste disposal, and I fear it will only get worse. Plus, they are the least able to choose those to represent them due to the systems of voter suppression and gerrymandering already in place. So, in that sense they have the most to gain. It’s a complicated issue, and one that deserves its own post.

I want to wrap this up by saying that my feelings around the whole situation continue to evolve as my understanding grows. The more I learn about the history and listen to the stories that people share, the more my heart and soul ache. What I hope for in this discussion around the 2024 election is that we will all remember our common humanity, and that we can work in community to build a world where we can live in peace. Whether we have to pass through fire to get there, or we can find a calmer path forward, I hope we can work together toward a better future. We must not allow this to divide us, we all know whose purpose that serves.

Quick Intro

  • Creativity
  • Community
  • Curiosity
  • Compassion
  • Literacy
  • Intersectionality

These words have powerful and specific meanings for me. I’m sure they do for a lot of people. They get even more powerful and specific when I think of them in terms of my personal journey of healing and growth. A journey toward health and wholeness. Toward discovering or uncovering my highest self and releasing that out into the world.

Mushroom on forest floor

By way of introduction, I would like to take a few moments to define what each of these words mean to me within the context of this post. My own definitions will change over time and across different circumstances, but I want to lay some sort of foundation for understanding as a starting point.

Creativity – Tapping into the creative force of the universe in a way that is personal and meaningful for me. That can be in the form of words, photography, drawing, or whatever moves through me. Much of it I keep to myself, but I am learning to share more of what I create even though doing so makes me uncomfortable.

Community A gathering of souls based on a shared curiosity about the world and about each other, and a desire to support each other in our effort to heal and grow.

Curiosity – Genuine desire to learn about new things, new ideas, and new people – What is their story? How did they come to be who they are? What shaped their image of themselves and of the world?

Compassion – Seeing the suffering of others and feeling compelled to help in whatever way you can. This requires some facility or agency to help, not just wishing “someone” would do something. It is active and “other-directed.”

Literacy – A passion for sharing ideas and stories using whatever language and means of communication are most accessible, relevant, or conducive to the storyteller and, hopefully, to the audience.

Intersectionality – Understanding that we are all connected and that we are all affected by acts and systems of oppression, while never losing site of the fact that those who live at the intersections of marginalized and oppressed groups suffer the greatest harm.

I have been on a very interesting path the last couple of years. Lots of twists and turns, and ups and downs. Now I am challenging myself to break out of that more fully. It was hard to sit down and start typing, but now that I have it feels good! There is so much healing in writing for me and I hope through sharing my own stories I can encourage others to embark on their own journey of healing and growth.

Over the coming weeks and months, I will be writing on a variety of topics, including articles on the power of words and the importance of shared vocabulary, the ideas of unity and common ground as they relate to building community, self-awareness, and social lenses. I also plan to explore themes such as scarcity vs. abundance thinking, authenticity and vulnerability, challenges and opportunities, and how all these fit into my personal journey and the ongoing evolution of my worldview.

I hope you will join me as a poke at the edges of my comfort zone and try to find ways to embrace the anxiety that causes. It is the only way I can truly create the best version of myself and my best hope for co-creating the world I want to inhabit.